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Crisis Management

Mini Indy Crisis Management Document


To provide guidance on the issue of a bomb threat to the Mini Indy Laps for life event by way of planning considerations developed in consultation with safety sector partners in Saskatchewan.


Suspicious Item/package: Any Item (eg., package, vehicle) identified as potentially containing explosives, an IED , or other hazardous material that requires bomb technician diagnostic skills and specialized equipment for further evaluate.

Suspicious Indicators: These are based on the prevailing and/or communicated threat, placement and proximity of the item to people and valuable assets, and more tangible aspects to include, but not limited to; unexplainable wires or electronics, other visible bomb-like components, unusual sounds, vapour, mists or smells.

Improvised Explosive Device: The use of “homemade” bombs and/or devices used to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract. IEDs are used by criminals, vandals, terrorists, suicide bombers, and insurgents. Because they are improvised IEDs can come in many forms. IEDs can range from a small pipe bomb to a sophisticated device capable of causing massive damage and loss of life, they can:

· be carried or delivered in a vehicle;

· carried, placed, or thrown by a person;

· delivered in a package;

· Or concealed on the roadside.

Specific Threat: A threat situation that appears imminent and poses possible serious danger. This threat is communicated directly, is specific and plausible, suggests that definitive steps have been taken towards carrying out the threat and may include an indication of a specific location and/or time.

Non-Specific Threat: A threat situation where information is inconsistent or lacking in detail. Content of the threat makes it unclear for determining if the individual is intending to carry out the threat and there is no indication that steps have been taken or of any specific location and/or time.

Evacuation: The evacuation must be considered carefully as part of a critical thinking process specific to the nature of the bomb threat received. Evacuation means the organized departure of individuals from any implicated areas to predetermined safe areas following the conclusion of a need to take such action based on an informed threat assessment process.

Survey: A pre-coordinated/practiced visual inspection of an area of responsibility which is documented and reported.

Search: A pre-coordinated/practiced systematic procedure for a confirmation of the presence or absence of a suspicious item conducted by a designated individual or team. They are then supposed to create a document and report.

Point of Contact: A single individual designated for emergency contact with first responders.

Threat: A threat is any expression of intent to do harm or act out violently against someone or something. Threat may be spoken, written, drawn, and symbolic. Threats may be posted on the internet (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or made by gestures only. Threats may be direct, indirect, conditional or veiled.

Threat Assessment: The organization’s determination of the existence and extent of a threat based on the facts. Circumstances and context of the credibility of a specific threat circumstance.

Roles and Responsibility

Swervin’s Mini Indy

1. Develop and maintain a bomb threat management plan. The plan should exist consistently at a facility-specific level and should be part of an awareness program and exercised on (at least) and annual basis.

2. Have a clear “command and control” flow –chart for facilities that outlines the incident management process for managing bomb threats, including clear decision-making accountabilities.

3. Ensure the bomb threat management plan takes into account the safety and security of all persons within the facility and is balanced appropriately with continuity of business considerations.

4. If an evacuation occurs and a search is conducted, the event may continue “business as usual” after the event has been all cleared.

5. Report ALL bomb threats to the police.

Police/Fire department

1. Provide technical support on bomb threat management to the events owner/operators to assist in managing the incident.

2. Provide a Tactical Explosives Detection Unity (EDU) police response if the bomb threat is credible and it is determined that there is suspicious items that could potentially be explosive items at the site; and

3. Conduct a criminal investigation into the bomb threat.

General Planning Consideration

1. Coordinate with local law enforcement and first responders to ensure smooth handling of a bomb threat-ensure there is a clear understanding of what the roles and responsibilities are.

2. Develop a training plan for all staff and individuals who are designated responsibilities within the bomb threat management plan.

3. Have designated control centre locations for managing bomb threats.

4. Plan for emergency assistance (first responders) as to how/where contact will be made and by whom.

5. Be prepared to designate the organizer (Merv Armstrong) to operate as part of a Unified Command Team with responders when they arrive.

6. Have a readily accessible and current Site map for the area and a process to get them to external first responders as required.

7. Make an announcement at the beginning of the festivities about evacuation signals in case of a threat.

Specific Planning Considerations-Receiving a Threat

Bomb Threat by Phone

1. Remain Calm. Keep the caller on the line for as long as possible. DO NOT HANG UP, even if the caller does.

2. Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest.

3. Try to keep the caller talking to learn more information.

4. If possible, write a note or have a process to signal a participant/volunteer to notify the site decision maker and call the authorities or, as soon as the caller hangs up, immediately notify them yourself.

5. If your phone has a display, copy the number and or numbers on the window display.

6. Complete the Bomb Threat Checklist immediately. Write down as much detail as you can remember. Try to get exact words.

7. Immediately upon termination of call, do not hang up, from a different phone, contact authorities immediately with information and await instructions.

8. Be available after the call for the event’s emergency response team and law enforcement to interview you.

Written Threat

1. Handle the document as little as possible.

2. On a separate piece of paper, rewrite the threat exactly as it reads.

3. On this copy, also record:

a. Where the document was found.

b. The date/time you found the item.

c. Any situations or conditions surrounding the discovery.

d. Any other person you are aware of who saw the threat.

4. Secure the original document. If it is small, place it in a bag or envelope. DO NOT fold, crumple, tear or mark the item in any way. If the document is on a large object, secure the location.

5. Notify the Event Decision Maker of the Threat.

E-mailed Threat

1. Leave the message open on the computer.

2. Notify the Event Decision Maker of the threat.

3. Print, photograph, or copy down the message. Include the header of the e-mail.

4. Save the e-mail, if you know how to do so.

Verbal Threat

1. If safe, possible and practical, try to prevent the individual who is making the threat from leaving the area and notify the event decision makers (who should then notify authorities).

2. If the person who made the threat leaves, make a note of which direction they went and then have another volunteer notify the Event decision maker.

3. Note the description of the person who made the threat:

a. Name, if known

b. Race

c. Sex

d. Type and coloring of clothing.

e. Body Size

f. Hair Color

g. Distinguishing Features

4. Write down the threat exactly as it was communicated to you:

a. Exact wording

b. Who made the threat

c. The date/time of the threat

5. The last known location of the person who made the threat.

6. Notify the Event Decision Maker, if someone else has not done so already.

Rumor of Threat

1. If you overhear a rumor about a bomb or explosive device threat or incident, write down exactly what you heard, from whom you heard it, and then report the rumor to the Event decision maker.

2. Record, document, and preserve threat information.

3. Report threat to the Event organizer and law enforcement. Notify personnel.

4. Assess the threat and determine response (search or evacuate).

Threat Assessment- Planning Considerations

Low Risk

· Threat is vague and indirect.

· Information contained within the threat is inconsistent, implausible, or lacks detail.

· Caller is definitely known and has called numerous times.

· The threat was discovered on the wall and/or the note with the threat was discovered.

· The threat is made by a child/teenager and there is laughter in the background.

Medium Risk

· Threat is more direct and more feasible.

· Wording in the threat suggests the perpetrator has given some thought on how the act will be carried out.

· May be general indications of a possible place and time.

· No strong indication the perpetrator has taken preparatory steps, although there may be some indirect reference pointing to that possibility.

· Indication the perpetrator has details regarding the availability of components needed to construct a bomb.

· Increased specificity to the threat: “I’m serious!” or “I really mean this!”

High Risk

· Threat is direct, specific, and realistic. May provide names of possible victims.

· Caller (perpetrator) identifies themselves.

· Threat suggests concrete steps have been taken towards carrying out the threat.

· Perpetrator makes statements indicating they have practiced with a weapon or have had the intended victim under surveillance.

General Planning Considerations

1. Organizations should have an active threat plan that is reviewed and exercised with ALL event staff and volunteers.

2. Ensure the event site plans are up to date and accessible for first responders as required.

3. Training and Awareness should consider the following points:

a. Call 911 as soon as it is safe to do so.

b. Take Decisive Action (FIGHT): An absolute last resort, and only when your life is in immediate danger, Event security will attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active threats:

i. Locate and secure anything that could be used by security as a weapon.

ii. Act as sternly as possible against the threat.

iii. Commit to your actions- attack decisively and loudly so as to attract attention and possibly assistance.

4. At all times, individuals must be in full compliance with law enforcement response to the active threat. Knowing what to expect will help you assist law enforcement officials as they work to stop an active threat situation.

a. As law enforcement’s primary responsibility is to eliminate the threat, they will not be able to stop to help injured persons until the environment is safe.

b. Officers may arrive as uniformed, plainclothes or tactical units but will identify themselves as police.

c. When law enforcement officials arrive, Event staff will:

i. Remain Calm and follow instructions.

ii. Provide Information as requested.

iii. Avoid making any sudden movements.

iv. Keep your hands visible at all times.

d. Do not leave the scene. After you reach a safe location or assembly point, you’ll be asked to cooperate by providing information to investigators.

For further information please contact Merv Armstrong at (306)581-0716.


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